Electric scooter battery: All information about charging, range & maintenance
The electric scooter battery is undoubtedly the heart of an e-scooter and one of the most important components. After all, without the battery the electric motor won’t work – surprise! The capacity and quality of your battery determine how far you can get with your e-scooter. We have all the information you should know about charging, range, maintenance and care.
If you rely on an unu electric scooter with a removable battery, you’re able to cruise around with it for quite a while. And you can recharge the battery at any time at a regu socket. This doesn’t only come in handy, but is also particularly green!
Electric scooter battery: The range
The range of an e-scooter battery can vary greatly. Depending on which model and which supplier you choose. The higher the quality, the longer the range. As a general rule for all electric scooter manufacturers, it is between 20 and 40 kilometers.
As for the unu scooters: on the LCD display of the unu Scooter Pro, you can see directly how far your battery will take you - on the display of the unu Scooter Move; you can see how full your battery still is with five bars.
By the way: With your unu electric scooter, you can travel up to impressive 50 kilometers with a fully charged battery. That's more than enough, especially in the city. For example, if you have bigger plans and are planning a trip to the countryside, you can pack another battery.
What else makes a good electric scooter battery?
The best standard in the field of e-mobility is currently electric scooter batteries made of lithium-ion cells. They are used in electric cars, among other things, and are particularly powerful. The unu e-scooter model also has lithium-ion batteries and, at only ten kilograms, is particularly light, removable, and can be carried into the home and charged there relaxedly.
How can I recharge the electric scooter battery?
And since we are talking about the charging process: This is relatively user-friendly with most electric scooter manufacturers. With unu, you simply open the seat, remove the battery and charge it home. You put the battery of the unu Scooter Pro on the fancy unu charging station, and it charges in absolute silence. You can also charge the battery of the unu Scooter Move without problems at home, only without a charging station - this battery charges via a charging cable. It also takes the unu Scooter Move just 5 hours until the electric scooter battery is charged to 70% again - and 7 hours until it is full. Once the battery is fully charged, the charging process is automatically terminated. You can always check the charge status via the LED light display (unu Move) or LCD light display (unu Pro) on the battery itself. For example, on the unu Scooter Move, the LEDs go out when the battery is fully charged (and the charger LEDs are green).

Electric scooter batteries: maintenance and care
Do you want to extend your battery's life and ensure that you get something out of it for a long time? Great! These tips will help you maintain and care for all of our unu scooter models:
- 1Try to be careful not to charge your battery to 100 percent all the time. And again, only drive around with your e-scooter once there's no energy left. Small partial charges are also recommended in any case to increase the service life of your battery.
- 2Accordingly, you should not store your lithium-ion battery too full (over 90%) or too empty (under 10%). The optimum is a charge of 60 to 70%, especially if you want to store your battery for a more extended period of time.
- 3Do not expose your electric scooter battery to temperatures below minus 20 degrees and above 50 degrees.
- 4Generally, batteries do not like cold. In other words, if the electric scooter is left outside overnight or remains cold for some time in winter, you should always take the battery indoors.
- 5If your battery is used less frequently during the cold season, it makes sense to charge it at least half every two months. Otherwise, the lithium-ion batteries will be "deep discharged." This can damage them permanently.
- 6Incidentally, regular charging of electric scooter batteries is also a prerequisite for the warranty with most manufacturers.
- 7Important when caring for the unu Scooter Move battery: If the battery falls from a height of 30cm or higher on the ground, please check whether the battery has dents or small cracks. If so, be sure to get in touch with unu support immediately.
As you can see, the electric scooter's battery maintenance and care are simple and inexpensive. You do not need any previous knowledge and can easily take care of the condition of your electric scooter yourself, whether unu Scooter Move or Pro. Quite in contrast to gasoline scooters. You must pay attention to things like oil levels, spark plugs, and air filters. In general, a gasoline-powered engine on scooters also has many more worn parts. If you decide to have a gasoline scooter professionally inspected in the spring, you can even expect to pay a hefty 150 euros.