Experience new facets of your city of Bonn with the unu electric scooter.
Admittedly: Bonn is not the biggest city in Germany - but it is insanely likable and so diverse. With its 2000-year history, Bonn has inspired many famous painters and musicians. And you can still feel it today. Bonn offers a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. It should also not go unmentioned how green your city of Bonn is: the Rhine meadows, the Hofgarten and the Poppelsdorf Palace with the avenue of the same name - all this invites you to linger.
And what's the best way to reach Bonn's hotspots? Of course! With an unu e-scooter. Cruise relaxed through the old town, past traffic jams and congested streets. And just because Bonn is so well laid out and wonderfully located, you can also reach all the recreational areas in the surrounding area within 30 minutes with your e-scooter. Eifel, Rheinaue, Siegaue, Siebengebirge, Wahnbachtalsperre and much more...
Are you ready to discover Bonn from a new perspective?

01 – 04