Bremen meet your unu pioneer - Eva

Looking for the perfect unu electric scooter in Bremen? You're in the right place! Meet Eva Piwowar, an expert on unu models. She can help you choose the best scooter that suits your needs. Eva is unbiased and knowledgeable, so you can trust her advice. And during your test ride, she'll gladly answer any questions you have. With Eva by your side, you're sure to have a smooth and fun electric scooter experience. So, don't forget to bring your ID card and driver's license. Let's hit the streets of Bremen together and have a blast!
How long have you been a Pioneer, and what do you like about it / what is particularly exciting?
I have been with unu for two years. What I like best is the contact with the test drivers. 
Can you give us an insight into your day as an unu Pioneer? / What does a typical day with the unu Scooter look like for you, and how do you use the unu Scooter for yourself? 
The scooter is in use almost every day. I use it to commute to the airport or to go out again in the evening.
How do your test drives typically go? 
At the beginning of the meeting, I first asked how the test riders became aware of the unu. Most customers have already been very well informed about the unu scooter and know the "quirks" that are usually mentioned.
After that, I explain the functions of the unu (buttons, screen, storage space)!
After presenting the driver's license, I let the test drivers drive for 15 minutes.
These then usually come back very happy.
I ask how I liked the ride, mention all the advantages of an e-scooter ( climate neutral, free parking everywhere, storage space, range, etc.), and ask after showing the color cards for the desired color since I only have the scooter in "Matte Stone." 
Have the test riders had any previous experience with (e)scooters?
Relatively rarely, now and then, test drivers mention Niu.
What is something that surprises the test drivers? 
The large and super practical storage space under the seat box!
What do you like best about unu and the unu Scooter?
I also like the design and especially the storage space of the scooter! 
As an insider of your city, which places would you recommend your test riders try out the unu scooter? / Is there a particular route you recommend to your test riders or a place you like to test ride, and why?
I always recommend the straight section at the park with an underpass so that the driver can immediately see how the scooter behaves on inclines and still pulls great.
I conduct my test drives in a lively place with many cafés and stores. There are also few parking spaces, so the test drivers feel the unu's advantages. 
What is your ideal route through your city? / Which places do you like to rattle off with the unu scooter the most? / At which places do you feel most connected to your city?
I'm mainly in the city center: City -> Airport -> trendy neighborhoods.
What is the average feedback from test riders after trying our unu scooter? 
90% of them are enthusiastic and happy, find the acceleration good, and that it is so quiet on the road. The good eSitzkomfort is also often mentioned by larger test drivers.
Have you ever recommended family and friends to test drive or buy an unu scooter? 
Yes, of course, everyone thinks it's great, but also quite expensive. 
Can you give tips and tricks on what (new) unu drivers should look out for? 
Yes, the usual safety rules, drive a little closer to the right, always remember that other road users may not hear you.

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