Electric scooter recycling: Sustainable e-scooter use: maintenance & tips.
Of course, everyone hopes for a long life for their own e-scooter. Not only in terms of environmental protection, but also out of affection for reliable vehicle. But what if, for example, the batteries have to be replaced? How does recycling with a green conscience even work?
Electric scooter recycling: How to dispose used batteries
First of all, nowadays, most e-scooter batteries last for quite a long time. From time to time, however, they still need to be replaced. In this case, used batteries from unu scooters are recycled in cooperation with „GRS Akkus“ or used as energy storage for regenerative energy systems. The batteries are not simply scrapped but are given a new task in most cases.
Proper use of the battery for a long life
To be able to use the batteries of your unu Scooter for as long as possible, you should pay attention to a few simple things. In contrast to older technologies with lithium-ion batteries, it is no longer necessary to always charge them 100 percent - constant full charging and discharging can even damage the batteries! Our tip is, therefore: It is better to keep the charging level between 20 and 80 percent and only use the battery when the outside temperature is between – 10 °C and +45 °C, otherwise, the battery's capacity will be significantly reduced. In addition, you should not leave your battery on the charger for longer than 24 hours to avoid a loss of capacity.
Sustainable with the unu Scooter subscription
You don't want to buy your own scooter at the moment but don't want to do without the comfort of an unu? Maybe our scooter subscription would be an excellent idea for you - and also a very sustainable one. You can subscribe to our unu Scooter Pro and the unu Scooter Move. After the 48-month or 36-month subscription has expired, we take back the scooter and the batteries and thus ensure a functioning circular economy. The scooters are not just scrapped, but reconditioned or professionally disposed of and the individual parts are reused. There is a subscription for the unu Scooter Move starting from €69/month, you can get the unu Scooter Pro starting from €99/month (both models with a 48-month subscription and a 36-month subscription ).
unu Scooter: The best performance thanks to proper maintenance
If you buy an unu scooter, you can look forward to a two-year guarantee – both for the scooter and for your battery. The e-scooters can be serviced at Bosch service centers and other local workshops (there is a list here).
To keep your electric scooter from unu „healthy“ for as long as possible, it has to be inspected every 500 km. After 4,000 km or 12 months (whichever comes first), it needs another inspection. For your warranty to remain valid, these inspections must be completed within these timeframes - so don't forget!
The battery doesn’t particularly like the cold, so take the batteries into the apartment with you in winter and charge them regularly. The scooter itself can easily stay outside. Just cover it with a tarp or blanket.