#unurider community guidelines
We want our #unurider community to be a safe space for all its members. Therefore, we have developed the following basic rules everyone should follow when posting and commenting. Before posting, always ask yourself whether the content you’re about to publish conflicts with these basic rules or not - the other person behind the screen is a human with feelings, too.
Always remember:
- We are all human beings and want to be treated with respect
- Follow the same standards that you follow in "real” life
- Treat people online the way you want to be treated yourself
- If you have questions about the scooter or are facing problems, please send us a DM so we can help you out directly
The following is not welcome in our unu community:
- Comments that have nothing to do with the topic of the post
- Multiple posting of a comment or making the same point over and over again
- Racist, extremist, fundamentalist, inciting statements
- Targeted dissemination of false information
- Personal data (telephone numbers and addresses). If your personal information is requested by the verified unu account, please send it via DM and not in the comments
- Links to websites that contain one or more of the listed points
If you do not follow these rules, we will delete your content or have the option to block your account from posting on our social media pages. We are doing this to protect our community.