Driving an e-scooters with your dog: the most important facts
Quickly place the dog on your scooter and off you go? Actually, it's not that easy if you want to drive around with your four-legged friend. Our article will show you exactly what you should consider when riding an e-scooter with a dog and how that could work.
Frankly, the dog is allowed to come along
The most important things first: There is nothing to be said against driving an e-scooter with a dog. Your furry companion could ride along with you on your e-scooter, so that you can feel the freedom and enjoy your trip together. However, the legislator makes a few specifications that you should definitely observe.
Drive safely and secure your dog
As the driver, you are always responsible for safely transporting everything you are carrying. That includes the dog. It is important that you are not disturbed by the animal when you are on the road. That being said: The control of the vehicle must not be impaired. According to traffic law, your dog is considered a load before the legislature. So when driving the e-scooter with the dog, you have to make sure that it’s secured throughout the journey (to be found in the StVO in § 23 paragraph 1).
If this is not the case and your dog is impairing your vision or hearing, you may have to expect a fine, mostly around 10 euros. It is also possible that you could face further consequences. You can be charged with non-compliance with § 22 Para. 1 StVO. This violation represents another administrative offense. The result: 35 euros less to spend on ice cream and other cool stuff. If you also endanger other road users with your unsecured dog, you even pay 50 euros and receive 3 points in Flensburg.
An important side note: If a person is injured or something is damaged as a result, this will not be covered by your liability insurance. You have to pay for the damage with your private assets if your unsecured dog is decisive for the accident, which can be expensive.

Can I keep my dog on a leash while driving?
A supposedly clever option for lazy dog owners: going for a walk on an e-scooter. However, this is forbidden. According to the StVO, an animal may not be taken out of a motor vehicle - and of course, e-scooters are also included. Anyone who is caught doing such an act must expect a fine of 35 euros. If the limit of animal cruelty is exceeded because you drive too fast, this can result in a fine of up to 25.000 euros or even imprisonment. Rightly so, in our opinion.
Safe options for small and medium-sized dogs
If you are the master and mistress of a small or medium-sized four-legged friend, there are two very simple ways to get you and your dog safely through the traffic with your e-scooter.
On the one hand you can use a carrying back bag. Especially with spacious e-scooters like your unu, you both have enough space to cruise. This ensures relaxed journeys. Another option is a dog backpack. Riding an e-scooter with a dog is a really great and flexible way to transport your dog safely: after all, all you have to do is put your dog in it, throw your backpack over and off you go.
However, you should only use these backpacks for dogs up to 10 kg, as the slightly heavier four-legged friends can shake your balance if you suddenly move: Attention, risk of accidents!